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    发布时间:2022-07-01作者: 浏览次数:


    会议号:腾讯会议 573 762 225



    报告人1:卢有朋 9:00-9:45


    Impact of urban form on urban thermal environment and planning strategies

    摘要:城市热岛威胁居民健康、增加生活能耗,长期以来困扰城市发展。城市建成区尺度的城市形态与城市下垫面地表能量平衡、通风系统密切相关,是影响热岛效应的重要因素。本研究以中国27个大城市为例,揭示城市形态集中度对热环境的影响。我们采用同心圆模型定量刻画城市形态集中度,采用景观格局指数与Moran’ I 指数识别地表温度空间格局特征,分别利用线性回归模型与双向莫兰模型揭示城市形态集中度与热环境的数值与空间关联性。研究发现:①城市形态集中度决定了城市地表温度在城乡梯度方向上的空间分布,两者呈现显著正相关;②城市形态呈现稳健集中的城市更易于出现大规模集聚的建成区与高温区。③提升城市集中度、减少城市集中度的稳健性有助于改善城市热环境。④通过在城市建成区边缘布局楔形绿地,以及在城市内部绿地与外围生态空间之间建立联通廊道,将有助于拓展城市建成区与绿色空间之间的散热界面,对改善城市热环境发挥积极作用。本研究深化了城市形态影响热环境的理解,为城市规划提供了适应气候变化的策略建议。

    Urban heat island is regarded to be a threaten to public health and energy consumption, which trouble urban development for a long time. As urban form in the urban built-up scale is closely related to the urban surface energy balance and ventilate efficiency, it plays a significant role in urban thermal environment. By investigating 27 cases of Chinese megacities, this study quantified the urban form centrality and the spatial pattern of land surface temperature (LST) within built-up areas. Specifically, urban form centrality was measured using the concentric-ring partitioning model, and the landscape metrics and Morans I were employed to characterize the LST pattern. Then, the correlation between urban form centrality and the LST pattern was examined through ordinary least squares models and global and local bivariate Morans I. There are four significant findings. First, the urban form centrality dominates the LST centrality along the urban-rural gradient. Second, stably concentric urban forms were inclined toward shape agglomerative and autocorrelated hot areas. Third, enhancing the intensity and reducing the stability of the urban form centrality are preferable to mitigate the urban thermal environment. Fourth, the green space should be embedded around the edge of the built-up area to increase the energy exchange surface. In general, this study has developed a nuanced understanding of the urban form and urban thermal environment and provide climate change adoption strategies for urban planning and public health policies.

    报告人2:李姝媛 9:45-10:30  


    Cold climate, public health and urban planning


    The significant impact on public health caused by climate should not be ignored. Under the background of important strategic decision of Implementing Healthy China, combining the health problems with regional climate and urban spatial elements, studying the impact mechanism and urban planning strategies of urban space on public health with considering the special regional climate has great significance, which is of further significance to exert the role of urban planning in protecting and promoting public health through effective management and control of urban space resources. Owing to the long period of winter and cold weather, severe cold regions have high incidence of cardiovascular diseases. Taking cold regions as examples, we carry out investigation and analyze relationship characteristics of urban space and residentscardiovascular health, construct the correlation model of urban space and cardiovascular health, and analyze the impact factors and mechanism of urban space on cardiovascular health in severe cold climate. We put forward the urban spatial planning strategies promoting cardiovascular health, aiming at providing scientific and technological support for healthy urban planning in severe cold regions for reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

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